Friday, December 31, 2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 23.12.2010
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:- New procedure for payment of amount of Savings bank/Certificates in the name of deceased depositors/holders- replacement of Rule 87 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Rule 50 of POSB Manual Vol-II regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to say that this office was receiving number of complaints of abnormal delay in settlement of deceased claim cases of POSB as well as certificates particularly where there is no nomination or legal evidence. To minimize the complaints and to facilitate the claimants for early settlement of claim cases, the whole procedure laid down in Rule 87 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Rule 50 of POSB Manual Vol-II has been reviewed.
2. During the review, it is found that the present procedure being adopted is very old and cumbersome due to which post offices are taking time to settle the claims. It has been decided to devise a new procedure which will replace the existing procedure laid down in Rule 87 of POSB Manual Vol-I for SB Accounts (all schemes except SCSS & PPF) and Rule 50 of POSB Manual Vol-II for certificates. Main features and major changes made are given below:-
POSB Accounts
• Form of preferring claim has been revised. New Claim form has been devised.
• There will be only one Claim Form for all the three types of claims i.e (a) with nomination (b) with legal evidence (c) without legal evidence. SB-84 claim form will be discontinued. In case of no nomination/legal evidence, the claimant has to produce three documents i.e a) Affidavit (b) Letter of Indemnity and (c) Letter of disclaimer on Affidavit as prescribed in SCSS-2004 by MOF(DEA).
• No separate sanction memo will be issued and no Account closure Form will be required after sanction as both these options are available in the claim form itself.
• Proof of death is to be given by the claimant in original after which no further enquiry is required to be done by the sanctioning authority.
• Claimant has to give two witnesses on the claim form and his/her ID as well as Address proof along with claim form. After acceptance of witnesses by BPM/SPM/PM or Sr. PM on the claim form, no further enquiry will be required to be done about genuineness of claimant by the sanctioning authority.
• Every Post Office where the claim will be preferred has to forward the claim to the post office where the account stands by service Insured post on the very day of its receipt.
• The post office where the account stands, on receipt of the claim either directly or by Insured Post will issue acknowledgment to the claimant on the same day and settle the case within 7 working days if the claim falls under its financial powers or forward the same to the sanctioning authority by service Insured Post on the day of its receipt.
• Every administrative office will dispose off the claim case within 7 working days of the receipt of the same.
• Responsibility will be fixed for delay in settlement beyond 7 working days.
• Taking a Proof of death in original, two witnesses, ID and Address proof of the claimant and three legal documents i.e (a) Affidavit (b) Letter of Indemnity and (c) Letter of disclaimer on Affidavit will be the safe procedure to absolve the post office from any legal responsibility.
• All payments of deceased claim cases will be made by crossed cheque only.
Savings Certificates
• Present Claim forms in case of Nomination and Legal evidence have been retained.
• SB-84 has been discontinued and in case of no nomination or legal evidence, the claimant has to submit the new prescribed form along with three legal documents as prescribed in case of SB accounts.
• All other features will be same as of POSB Accounts.
3. This may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices.
This new procedure will be applicable from 1.1.2011 or from the date of receipt of this order.
4. This issues with the approval of Secretary Posts.
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)To download the complete Order please click on http://www.indiapost.gov.in/Pdf/SB_Orders_01-01-2007.pdf
Friday, December 24, 2010
S B ORDER NO.24/2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 21.12.2010
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:- Reinvestment of maturity value of one scheme to same or another scheme- a revised procedure regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office SB Order No.13/2010 dated 26.7.2010 issued on the above noted subject. In the light of subsequent SB Orders issued on AML/CFT norms, procedure of reinvestment has been reviewed and it has been decided to revise the same from 1.1.2011.
The revised procedure is given below:-
Procedure of direct reinvestment
If a customer wants to reinvest the maturity value of one small savings scheme into another scheme or multiple schemes either in full or part thereof, he/she has to attend the post office personally and submit necessary documents for closure of account or discharge of certificates and account opening forms/purchase applications of the intended amount to be re-invested. He / She has to also submit one application in manuscript( in the enclosed format) mentioning the detail of instrument maturing, total maturity value and detail of amount he/she intends to re-invest in different schemes. Postmaster while accepting application for re-investment and Account Opening forms/Purchase applications will ensure that the customer has attached all required KYC/CDD documents with one of the account opening form or purchase application. If he/she has already provided CDD/KYC documents then he will ensure that reference has been given in the account opening/purchase application forms. The counter PA and supervisor shall verify the particulars mentioned in the account opening/purchase application forms with KYC/CDD documents attached/already supplied and record remarks on each account opening form/purchase application as “KYCD taken/already taken vide Account No./Registration No,……………dated……………… The Supervisor will maintain a Guard File for keeping the applications of re-investment and Serial number will be assigned on each application starting from day one. The Counter PA of computerized post office will click payment by cheque option in account closing/discharge of certificate screen and write words” Reinvestment Sl. No……….”.(Sl. No. of the Re-investment application). Non-computerized post offices will also maintain the same guard file and remarks of re-investment will be recorded in the LOT/Issue/Discharge Journal of the concerned schemes.
Procedure of Reinvestment through agent
In case of redeposit made in TD account under Sub Rule (3) of Rule 6 of POTD Rules 1981 in which redeposit is made retrospectively from the date of maturity, the re-deposit through agent is not admissible. However, the agents are entitled to get commission on re-investments in all small savings schemes except above. For this purpose, procedure to be followed is given below:-
(i) As per latest orders issued on AML/KYC norms, personal presence of the depositor is not necessary and agent has to attest KYC/CDD documents in addition to self attestation of attestation by Gazetted Officer. The agent will produce application for re-investment signed by the customer where the customer will mention name and agency number of the agent to whom matured instrument he/she has handed over and detail of intended amount of re-investment with names of schemes. Signature of the customer on the application will be compared by the counter PA as well as Supervisor/SPM with that on record. In this application the customer will authorize Postmaster to hand over remaining amount and new instruments to the agent. Remaining procedure as mentioned above will be followed in computerized as well as non-computerized post offices.
(iv) Since handling of cash is not involved in such cases, the agent will issue a receipt of the documents from the cheque receipt book with suitable remarks and hand it over to the investor as per normal procedure. Particulars of the matured deposit / certificates which is / are to be reinvested will be written in place of cheque number on the receipt.
(v) As no cash handling is involved in case of re-investment, provision of getting PAN No. or declaration in Form-60 or 61 need not be enforced.
2. This procedure may be followed in all savings schemes except in case of re-investment of Rs. one lac or more in Sr. Citizen Savings Scheme where investment can only be made by crossed cheque. Balance amount if remains below Rs. 20,000/- may be paid by cash to the depositor or agent and if becomes Rs. 20,000/- or above should either paid by cheque in favour of depositor and cheque handed over to agent under receipt or credited into savings account of the depositor if account stands in the same post office. (Contd…….)
3. This order will supersede all previous orders issued on this subject and may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS)
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
S B ORDER NO.23/2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.
Date: 13.12.2010
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:- Closing of PPF(HUF) accounts on maturity- an amendment to Paragraph (9) of PPF Scheme 1968.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to say that as per GSR 286(E) dated 13.5.2005 circulated vide SB Order 10/2004 dated 23.6.2005, only individuals can open PPF account from 13.5.2005. A further clarification was issued vide then DDG(FS) D.O. letter No. 113-10/2004-SB dated 5.9.2005 and again reiterated vide SB Order No. 20/2005 dated 14.11.2005 vide which it was conveyed that existing PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF would continue till maturity and enjoy all facilities available under earlier rules but their maturity period cannot be extended further after 13.5.2005.
Therefore the present position of PPF(HUF) accounts is:-
• PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 cannot be further extended after maturity and no further deposit can be accepted in such accounts after maturity.
2. Now, MOF(DEA) vide GSR 956 (E) dated 7.12.2010 ( F.No. 7/4/2010- NS-II dated 7.12.2010) has amended Paragraph 9 of PPF Scheme rules by adding a provision below Sub-paragraph (3) of this Paragraph according to which, from 7.12.2010, the position of PPF accounts opened in the name of
HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be as follows:-
• PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be closed on maturity i.e 31st March of the 16th Financial Year from the year in which account was opened. No further interest will be admissible.
• PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 but have already been matured but not yet closed, shall be closed on 31st March 2011 after which no further interest shall be admissible.
3. Copy of amendment issued by MOF(DEA) is enclosed. It is requested that this amendment should be circulated to all post office handling PPF scheme and above matter given in bullet points should be displayed on the Notice Boards of these Post Offices. It is also requested that strict instructions should be issued to all postal staff at the counters to see the passbook at the time of deposit of subscription in PPF accounts and not to accept deposits in such accounts. Any overpayment of interest if made shall be the responsibility of the counter PA and the Supervisor.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
S B ORDER NO. 22 / 2010
Now the condition has been relaxed vide S B Order No. 22/2010 which is reproduced below for information.
SB ORDER NO. 22/2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110116.
Date: 30.11.2010
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:- Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes fresh instructions and clarifications regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed refer to this office letter of even number dated 24.8.2010(SB Order 18/2010) vide which revised guide lines for implementation of KYC norms under PMLA were circulated . On receipt of various references from the field units as well as Agent Associations and general public, clause(b) and (c) of Para No.1 of the Annexure' A' enclosed with the SB Order18/2010 have been amended to exempt personal presence of the depositors(s)/Investor(s) at the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates. Modified clauses are as under:-
Revised Para 1/Clause (b) and (c)
(b) At the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates, it should be ensured that all KYC documents including photograph have either been self attested or attested by the Gazetted Officer. If the account is opened through agent or certificate are purchased through agent, the concerned agent should attest the documents including photograph by putting dated signatures along with agency number. In case of Joint Accounts/Investments, Joint photograph and documents of all Co-depositors or investors are required to be submitted
(c) It is the duty of Counter PA or BPM and Supervisor or SPM (in case of SO) to see that all KYC documents have attestation as per clause (b) and they tally the photograph with the Photo ID. They should also tally name of the depositor(s) with name shown in the ID proof and record in writing on Account Opening Form or Purchase application as "KYC" Documents verified & attested.
4. This may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices for strict implementation and may be ensured that this is followed scrupulously.
5. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
All Regional / Divisional / Unit heads are directed to call for options from willing eligible officials for appointment in the post of Grade-I/II/III Postmaster Post of the Circle by 15.01.2010 in accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate’s letter No. No.4-17/2008-SPB-II , dated 22.11.2010.
Copy of the C O letter is reproduced below for information all members
Department of posts, India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
No.ST/26-26/2010 Dated at Bhubaneswar the 15.12.2010
1. The Postmaster General,
Brahmapur/Sambalpur Region
2. All SSPOs/SPOs in Orissa Circle
3. All SSRMs/SRMs in Orissa Circle
4. The Director of Accounts (Postal),
Mahanadi Vihar, Cuttack.
5. The Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar.
6. The Supdt. PSD/CSD, Bhubaneswar
7. The PSD, Sambalpur
Sub: Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing and invitation of option/applications from willing eligible applicant for appointment in the post of Grade-I/II/III Postmaster Post of the Circle.
A kind reference is invited to DG(Posts) letter No.4-17/2008-SPB-II dtd 22.11.2010 which was forwarded under CO letter No.EST/1-106/Rlg/2010 dtd 30.11.2010 regarding introduction of Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing. The Post Offices for deployment of Postmasters Grade-I, II and III have been identified vide CO. Memo. No.EST/1-106/Rlg. / 2010 dtd. 15.12.2010. According to Para-6 of DG(Posts) letter noted above, you are requested to call for the option/applications with Bio data from the willing official holding the posts in the equivalent posts for appointment as Postmaster Grade-I, II and III respectively. While inviting for the application for the said posts it may be categorically stated that:
I. Once the official submits his application he will not be allowed to withdraw the same.
II. Officials who are still left with at least two years of service to retire may only apply in order to avoid their dislocations at the fag end of their service.
III. In the event of their appointment as Postmaster their further career progression will be in the hierarchy in the Postmaster cadre only as per the provisions in the relevant Recruitment Rules and not in General Line.
The last date for receipt of options/application along with Bio data in this office is 15.01.2010
You are requested to follow all the instructions noted in the Directorate letters stated above and take necessary action by the due date.
(S. B. Sahoo )
0/o the CPMG, Orissa Circle,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
- Is it realistic and achievable ?
Dear friends,
You all might have gone through the S B Orders recently circulated by the Directorate in connection with reinvestment of maturity value of one scheme to same or another ( S B Order No. 13/2010 vide Dte.’s letter No.113-3/2008-SB), dated 26.07.2010, admissibility of interest after death of depositor before maturity in case of SCSS-2004 ( SB Order No.17/2010 vide Dte.’s letter No.79-01/2010-SB, dated 23.08.2010 and above all introduction of Anti-Money Laundering / Combating of Financing of Terrorism norms ( SB order No.18/2010 vide Dte.’s letter No.109-04/2007-SB, dated 24.08.2010). All these orders have imposed several restrictions both on the post offices and on customers for investment / reinvestment. Particularly due to strict adherence of the instructions under Customer Due Diligence / Know Your Customer (KYC) norms vide SB Order No.18/2010, customers have started grumbling at the post office counters expressing serious dissatisfaction when asked for their address proof, identity proof and photographs etc. for opening of new accounts / purchase of certificates and as experienced, most of such customers never return with the required documents and thus there has been a decreasing trend in investment in post offices.
2. Physical presence of customers at the time of opening of account / purchase of certificates has been made mandatory now vide SB Order No.18/2010. The customers opting their transactions through agents are seen avoiding to come in person to post office which directly affects the investments under POSB schemes.
3. Compulsory submission of PAN / declaration in Form 60 / 61 in case of investment exceeding Rs.50000/- is another cause of decreasing investment in post offices. The Post Office Small Savings Schemes have not remained favourable anymore for small investors – most customers opine due to the recent restrictions.
4. No revision in rates of interest since 2003 has already affected the deposits under various POSB schemes which has been a question in the Parliament several times with no result.
5. Though the account opening form ( SB-3 ) has since been revised vide S B order No.16/2010 (Dte.’s letter No.114-01/2002-SB, dated 23.08.2010), neither the new form nor the old SB – 3 is presently available in Orissa Circle. While all post offices are not computerized with net facilities and xerox facilities are not available everywhere especially in rural areas, Post Offices have been advised to download the same from website or to make photocopy for supplying to the customers which has created an embarrassing situation for post offices before the customers. A period of four months is going to be elapsed. But the Department has failed to print and supply revised SB-3 forms to post offices in Orissa Circle.
When the SPMs / Postmasters are working under the above restrictions confining themselves within the four walls of the Post Office, the Department has fixed unrealistic targets for opening of new accounts and issue / discharge of certificates. Since the duties of the SPMs / Postmasters are confined to the four walls of the Post Office and they don’t have any other option except requesting the customers through the Counter P As, perhaps, there is no justification for fixing specific targets for the SPMs / Postmasters. Illustratively, Sahidnagar MDG in spite of its prime location in the capital city of Odisha has only opened 1007 accounts out of 4000 fixed for 2010-11 and issued / discharged 5904 savings certificates out of 17000 targeted for 2010-11 respectively as on 30.11.2010. Thus, certainly, the target fixed for the post offices are unrealistic and unachievable. This might be the position in other divisions in Odisha Circle and other circles of the nation also.
Thus, in view of this, in order to procure more business and achieve the required targets under different POSB schemes, it is suggested that the Directorate, in addition to giving priority for Core Banking Solution, may consider to:
1. Deploy special filed staff for collecting business under POSB schemes as like as Business / Marketing Executive for Business Development.
2. Recruit special agents for procuring POSB business as made for PLI / RPLI without depending upon the existing SAS/MPKBY agents. The case of retired postal employees may be considered for the purpose.
3. Allow postmen staff to collect business on POSB Scheme on commission basis as given to SAS / MPKBY agents.
4. Take the matter with Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India for increasing rates of interests in various POSB Schemes.
5. Grant normal savings bank interest for completed months in case of premature closure of various Time Deposit accounts. Presently, no interest is paid if withdrawn prematurely after 6 months but before expiry of one year. Where a deposit in a 2 year, 3 year or 5 year account is withdrawn prematurely after the expiry of one year from the date of deposit, interest is paid for completed years but 2 % less than the rate specified for deposit of 1 year, 2 year and 3 year respectively as the case may be. Such conditions need to be withdrawn immediately.
6. Remove ceiling fixed for Single / Joint S B Accounts, MIS and SCSS Accounts. When the Govt. has already allowed fixed deposits under TD Accounts ( for 1,2,3 and 5 years ) and Savings Certificates ( for 6 years in case of NSC and 8 years 7 months in case of KVP ) without any limit, there may not be any logic for restricting the MIS Account for 6 years and SCSS for 5 years.
7. Print and supply the revised forms at once.
8. Print leaflets / brochures / literatures on various POSB schemes preferably carrying the salient features and comparative benefits of the same schemes provided by our competitors and give to post offices in huge quantity for circulation amongst the customers. This has been a great draw back in Orissa Circle. The SPMs / Postmasters are quite unable for instant supply of a literature to a needy customer due to scarcity of printing and supply. These are being printed in small quantity, perhaps annually once which does not satisfy the requirement. As experienced, the importance of advertising has not yet been felt seriously by the Department.
9. Supply Pass Book and Certificate covers for instant motivation.
10. Relax the norms for opening of S B and R D Accounts and for purchase of KVPs ( up to certain amount ) which are really meant for small savings. A poor man from lower income group, preferably a daily labourer, now finds it difficult for opening a R D Account of Rs10/- denomination and for purchase of a KVP of Rs.100/- denomination. Many customers from this group fail to produce identity and address proof. Special relaxation may be there for BPL card holders.
No. I-11011/1/2009-CRD
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110003
December 14, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Consolidated guidelines on cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services.
The undersigned is directed to say that provisions governing the process of cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services are contained in various Office Memoranda issued by the Department of Personnel and Training and the Department of Expenditure. As a part of this Department’s endeavour to keep the personnel policies relevant to current and future needs, these provisions have been reviewed in consultation with various stakeholders and it has been decided to issue a consolidated and revised set of guidelines on cadre review. The revised guidelines are given below. Besides, the broad issues concerning cadre review have been elaborated in the revised Monograph on Cadre Review of Central Group ‘A’ Services enclosed herewith. The list of existing Central Group ‘A’ Services is at Annex-I.
2. Formulation of Proposal
(i) The proposal would be formulated, to the extent possible, in consultation with the representatives of service association (s). While drafting the proposal, all issues like expected changes in the Organization’s activities, automation, amendment in the business processes, recruitment planning, plugging the skill gaps, cadre structure, career progression, financial implications etc. must be analyzed and made part of the proposal. These issues and their impact on cadre structure have been discussed in Section-5 and Section-6 of the Monograph.
(ii) Full functional justification for each creation of post/upgradation should be given. A job evaluation exercise may be undertaken for each category of posts so as to ensure that different grades are assigned corresponding level of functions and responsibilities.
(iii) It may be ensured that the cadre review would not have an adverse impact on the feeder grade.
3. Reference to Department of Personnel and Training/Department of Expenditure
(i) The proposal should be referred to Department of Personnel and Training with the approval of Integrated Finance Division and the Minister in charge.
(ii) The Cadre Controlling Authority would also give a certificate that there is no Court Case pending having a bearing on the cadre review.
(iii) The name (s) of contact officer (s) for further/additional information may be clearly indicated in the reference.
(iv) The proposal should be examined vis-à-vis the checklist given in Section-6 of the Monograph to ensure that the proposal is complete in all respect.
4. Financial Implications
(i) The proposal having additional financial implications would be entertained strictly on functional considerations like consistent increase in workload, horizontal expansion in activities etc.
(ii) While calculating the additional expenditure, the impact of Non-Functional Upgradation may be taken into account. The calculation sheet must be enclosed with the proposal.
5. Procedure for cadre review
(i) Every cadre should be reviewed once every five years. The review should be first carried out by the Cadre Controlling Authority, preferably in consultation with the representatives of the service/cadre in question. However, if it is convinced after such a review that no change in the cadre structure is required, the decision should be conveyed to DoPT with the approval of Minister in charge.
(ii) The cadre review proposal would be prepared by the Cadre Controlling Authority in the form of a Note for Committee of Secretaries. DoPT would obtain the approval of Secretary (P) and then refer it to Department of Expenditure for approval of Secretary (Expenditure).
(iii) The Note would then be placed before the Cadre Review Committee by DoPT.
(iv) Based on the recommendation of Cadre Review Committee, the proposal would be submitted for MOS (PP)’s approval. It would then be referred to the Department of Expenditure for Finance Minister’s approval.
(v) The Cadre Controlling Authority would then take approval of Cabinet. The Note for Cabinet should ideally be prepared within a month of the Cadre Review Committee’s approval.
6. Composition of Cadre Review Committee-The Cadre Review Committee would comprise the following functionaries:
(i) Cabinet Secretary Chairman
(ii) Secretary of the Ministry controlling the cadre Member
(iii) Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training Member
(iv) Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Member
(v) The senior most member of the service/cadre concerned Member
7. Restriction on direct recruitment-There is a restriction on direct recruitment to the extent that it should not exceed 3% of the total cadre strength. The authority to relax the condition rests with DoPT. It has now been decided to do away with this restriction. The Cadre Controlling Authorities are, however, advised not to resort to any bulk recruitment as it would create a bulge in the structure leading to stagnation at later stage. This may be kept in view while projecting recruitment planning.
(Pratima Tyagi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All the cadre controlling authorities
List of Central Group ‘A’ Services (Category wise)
Non-Technical Services
Sl. No. Name of the Service
1. Indian Foreign Service
2. Indian Customs & Central Excise
3. Indian Revenue Service (IT)
4. Indian Audit & Accounts Service
5. Indian Railways Traffic Service
6. Indian Railways Accounts Service
7. Indian Railways Personnel Service
8. Indian Civil Accounts Service
9. Indian Defence Accounts Service
10. Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service
11. Indian Postal Service
12. Indian Defence Estates Service
13. Indian Information Service
14. Indian Trade Service
15. Railway Protection Force
Technical Services
16. Indian Railways Service of Engineers
17. Indian Railways Service of Signal & Telecom Engineers
18. Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers
19. Indian Railways Service of Electrical. Engineers
20. Indian Telecommunication Service
21. Indian Ordnance Factories Service
22. Indian Railways Stores Service
23. Central Engineering Service (Roads)
24. Central Water Engineering Service
25. Indian Defence Service of Engineers
26. Central Engineering Service (CPWD)
27. Central Electrical. & Mechanical. Engineering Service. (CPWD)
28. Border Roads Engineering Service
29. Central Power Engineering Service
30. Indian Supply Service
31. Indian Inspection Service
32. Indian Naval Armament Service
33. Indian Broadcasting ( Engineers) Service
34. P&T Building Works Service
35. Central Architect Service (CPWD)
42. India Legal Service
43. Geological Survey of India
44. Indian Meteorological Service
45. Indian Economic Service
46. Indian Statistical Service
47. Indian Cost Accounts Service
48. Indian Company Law Service
49. Defence Research and Dev. Service
50. Indo Tibetan Border Police
51. Central Industrial Security Force
52. Border Security Force
53. Central Reserve Police Force
54. Defence Aeronautical. Quality Assurance Service
55. Survey of Indian Gr. ‘A’ Service
56. Defence Quality Assurance Service
57. Indian Broadcasting (Programme) Service
58. Central Labour Service.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and revision of Room Rent applicable under CGHS.
No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part I)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 16th November , 2010
Subject: Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and revision of Room Rent applicable under CGHS.
The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS had initiated action for fresh empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS and also for the revision of package rates (which were fixed in 2006-07), to be paid to hospitals, by floating tender for the same. On the basis of the responses received package rates for various procedures / treatments have been arrived at and have been uploaded in the website of CGHS:www.mohfw.nic.in\cghsnew\index.asp and can be downloaded.
2. “Package Rate” shall mean and include lump sum cost of inpatient treatment / day care / diagnostic procedure for which a CGHS beneficiary has been permitted by the competent authority or for treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge including (but not limited to) –
(i) Registration charges,
(ii) Admission charges,
(iii) Accommodation charges including patients diet,
(iv) Operation charges,
(v) Injection charges,
(vi) Dressing charges,
(vii) Doctor / consultant visit charges,
(viii) ICU / ICCU charges,
(ix) Monitoring charges,
(x) Transfusion charges,
(xi) Anesthesia charges,
(xii) Operation theatre charges,
(xiii) Procedural charges / surgeon’s fee,
(xiv) Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization,
(xv) Cost of medicines,
(xvi) Related routine and essential investigations,
(xvii) Physiotherapy charges etc.
(xviii) Nursing care and charges for its services.
(b) Cost of Implants / stents / grafts is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per CGHS ceiling rates for Implants / stents / grafts or as per actual, in case there is no CGHS prescribed ceiling rates.
(c) Treatment charges for new born baby are separately reimbursable in addition to delivery chares for mother.
d) The hospitals empanel led under CGHS shall not charge more than the package rates / rates.
2.2 Package rates envisage up to a maximum duration of indoor treatment as follows:
12 days for Specialized (Super Specialties) treatment;
7 days for other Major Surgeries;
3 days for Laparoscopic surgeries / normal deliveries; and
1 day for day care / Minor (OPD) surgeries.
2.3 However, there are certain procedures where there is no prescribed package rate under CGHS. Similarly, there are medical emergencies where the treatment is mainly conservative. The admissible amount in such cases is calculated item wise, room rent, procedures, investigation , etc., . Therefore , it has now been decided to revise the rates applicable for room rent (Accommodation Charges) for different categories of wards as given below:
General ward -Rs.1000/- per day
Semi-private ward -Rs. 2000/ – per day
Private ward -Rs.3000/- per day
3. CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general ward depending on their basic pay / pension. The entitlement is as follows:-
S. No. | Basic Pay (without the inclusion of grade pay) | Entitlement |
1. | Up to Rs. 13,950/- | General Ward |
2. | Between Rs.13,951/ – and Rs.19,530/- | Semi-Private |
3. | Rs. 19,540/- and above | Private Ward |
4.2 This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Division in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, vide Dy. No: AS & FA / 3932 /2010 dated the 8th November , 2010.
The revised rates will come into effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
A copy of this Office Memorandum along with rate list and a copy of MOA are placed on the internet at http://mohfw.nic.in/cghsnew/index.asp.
[R Ravi ]
[Tel: 2306 3483]
Sunday, December 12, 2010
As per discussions over telephone and information passed through this blog on 07.12.2010, a meeting of the LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I SPM / APM/DPM/ Postmasters from general line of Odisha Circle was held today at 11AM in Chandinichowk H O, Cuttack – 753 002 with participation of the following staff members.
1. Umakant Lenka, Postmaster Balasore H O
2. Ratikanta Swain, Postmaster, Bhadrak H O
3. Rama Chandra Behera, APM, Bhadrak H O
4. Gourang Ku. Biswal, Postmaster, Jajpur H O
5. Susant Kumar Panigrahi, Postmaster, Jajpur Road MD G
6. B K Pattnaik, DPM, Kendrapara H O
7. Suresh Ch. Swain, DPM, Jagatsinghpur H O
8. Sanghmitra Mohapatra, Postmaster, Telenga Bazar S O,
9. Govind Ch. Sahoo, Postmaster, College Square, Cuttack
10. P K Samantaray, APM, College Square , Cuttack
11. Fagu Charan Sethi, DPM, Cuttack GPO
12. Amiya Ku. Mohapatra, APM, Cuttack GPO
13. Hadibandhu Singh, Postmaster, Chandinichowk H O
14. Pravakar Pati, APM, Chandini chowk H O
15. Durga Prasad Panda, PRI(P), Chandinichowk H O
16. Rajkishore Senapati, APM, Chandinichowk H O
17. Rabindranath Nahak, Postmaster, Koraput H O
18. Lambodar Mishra, DPM, Bolngir H O
19. Mrutunjaya Hota, Postmaster, Bargarh H O
20. Maheswar Sahoo, Postmaster, Dhenkanal H O
21. Basant Ku. Panda, DPM, Berhampur H O
22. Rabindra Ku. Sethi, Postmaster, Jatni
23. Arjun Mohanty, APM, Bhubaneswar GPO
24. Subhasisa Pradhan, Postmaster, Bhubaneswar – 2 MDG and
25. Bruhaspati Samal, Postmaster, Sahidnagar MDG
1. TSPA – 10 MACP – 20 MACP – 30 MACP ( PA for all purpose ).
2. TSPA – LSG – HSG II – HSG I ( Supervisor / Cadre-less Postmaster ).
3. TSPA – Postmaster Grade I – Postmaster Grade II – Postmaster Grade – III – Postmaster PS Group B ( Gazetted ) – IPoS ( Group-A ).
2. That the Postmasters Cadre should cover all the existing posts of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I , Senior Postmaster and Chief Postmaster.
3. That further there may not be any LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I post but only Postmaster Grade – I, Grade – II and Grade – III. A PA appearing the examination after 5 years of regular service will only be promoted to Postmaster Grade – I with Grade Pay Rs.4200/- and not to LSG.
4. That Postmaster Grade – II should be declared Gazetted Group-B
5. That all the LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I posts should be filled in on regular basis before implementation of Postmasters Cadre and all the officials joined as such may be given appointment as Postmaster Grade – I, Grade – II and Grade – III without calling for any option.
6. That the dates fixed for exercising option etc. may be extended till the objections already raised by the Staff Side are settled or otherwise.
Lastly, with thanks to the staff members of Cuttack City Division for arranging such a meeting it was decided to organize another meeting preferably during the first week of January, 2011 with more participation requesting all the general line LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I officials to participate enmasse.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
AIPEU, GROUP-C, CHQ Seeks improvement in Postmaster's cadre
Ref: - P/4-1/Postmaster’s Cadre Dated – 09.12.2010
Ms. Radhika Doraisamy
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Creation of Post master’s cadre – problem there on in the initial constitution – request consideration.
At the outset, we wish to place on record that we are not against to the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre but seek certain modifications in the interest of staff and service. The following are the few which require your immediate kind attention.
1. At present more than 60% of LSG posts 70% of HSG II posts & HSG I posts in all circles remain unfilled up. As such seeking options from the existing LSG for Post master’s cadre will end with futile results. To off shoot the problems, the following is suggested.
(i) Please cause instructions to fill up all vacant LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I posts either permanently or on adhoc basis and thereafter willingness may be called for among the LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I officials.
(ii) In case if the same is not possible due to recruitment rules, minimum service etc, the officials in MACP I, II & III may be considered in the initial constitution of the Postmaster cadre.
(iii) It may be ensured that at the initial constitution of Postmaster’s cadre, 100% of posts should be filled up among the existing willing officials either on seniority in LSG or MACP or length of PA service. Thereafter, the element of examination may be introduced.
2. All the LSG officials working in Accounts line may be permitted to opt for Postmaster’s cadre since they are entitled to work as Postmaster in HSG-II & HSG-I as per the existing recruitment rules.
3. In the initial constitution of various grades of Postmaster while obtaining option from the existing officials, the requisite minimum service should not be insisted since in many cases the promotions to HSG-II & HSG-I were not accorded in time properly. To cite an example, the adhoc HSG-I is continuing over three years by granting extension once in six months.
4. Similarly, 25% earmarked for HSG-I in Postmaster Group B shall be filled up with the existing HSG I officials without insisting the minimum required service in the initial constitution of the cadre.
5. It is further requested to cause instructions that the opted officials shall be given preference in posting in the same division in case of identified posts are available in the division to avert maximum dislocation in the initial constitution.
Apart from the above, the following improvements may please be considered.
(i) Since the Postmaster Grade-I is supervisory post, it should be elevated to Pay Band II with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- Similar elevation is required in higher cadre also.
(ii) Since a separate cadre is carved out, 100% of the Senior Postmasters, and Chief Postmasters posts shall also be filled up only among officials in the Postmaster’s cadre only. There is no need for any reservation to other categories other than the Postmaster cadre.
It is requested to arrange a meeting at the earliest with Staff Side to discuss all the points stated above in order to ensure smooth implementation of the scheme, minimize dislocation of staff and more volunteers to the newly carved cadre etc. Unless the above issues are sorted out at the initial constitution, it will have a perennial loss to the employees which will result in resentment only.
It is requested to consider the above and cause appropriate orders at the earliest.
With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
(Source - aipeup3chq.blogspot.com)in respect of Postmaster Grade - I
After introduced the Postmasters Cadre in Postal Wing with due Gazette Notification on 9th September, 2010 and framed “Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster ( Group-B Gazetted ), Postmaster ( Grade – III and II Group - B non-Gazetted ) and Postmaster ( Grade – I Group – C non-Gazetted ) Recruitment Rules, 2010” vide Postal Directorate letter No.4-17/2008-SPB-II, dated 22.11.2010, now the Department vide Directorate’s letter No. 137-8/2009-SPB.II, dated 08.12.2010 circulated the syllabus for Departmental Examination in respect of Postmaster Grade – I.
The examination for Postmaster Grade – I will consist of two papers of 100 questions ( objective type multiple choice ) , 90 minutes duration each.
The scanned copy of the above letter from the Directorate is reproduced below along with the annexure for information of our members / viewers.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Indian postal services that has been backbone of communication in this huge country is now preparing itself to embrace technology. The department is planning to offer e-stamps and upgrade their IT infrastructure. For the IT infrastructure upgrade, the department has sanctioned around $223 Million (or 1,000 Crore INR). IT majors Capgemini, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HCL, IBM and HP are in talks for this project which expected to be a two to three years contract.
The project is part of the India Post 2012 plan and the department expects to increase efficiency in their HR, financial services, mail operations and postal insurance divisions. The Indian postal services have 155,015 post offices across the country out of which 12,604 offices have been computerized. By 2012 the plan is to get all the offices equipped with computers and able to communicate with each other, which is not possible as of today. The Department of Post talking about the project said, “DoP is faced with twin challenges of increasing competition and continuing advances in communication technology, especially in mobile telephony and the internet. In order to provide the best-in-class customer service, deliver new services and improve operational efficiencies, DoP has undertaken an end-to-end IT modernization project to equip itself with requisite modern tools and technologies.”
The other announcement from the Department of Post (DoP) is about offering e-stamps to replace the paper stamps. US firm Accenture has been roped in for the project which according to an official should replace paper postage stamps within two years. The two main benefits of e-stamps are:
reduce the rampant losses incurred due to stamp forgery by cutting printing costs,
making it easier for users to get the stamps.
Based on numbers shared by the department, there was close to $136 Million (Rs 606 crores) worth of stamps sold in 2008-09 and a loss of $811 Million (Rs. 3,638 crores) was reported with a 34% jump in expenditure. Both these projects undertaken by the department are refreshing and amazing on parts of the bureaucrats involved. It was a pleasant surprise to see DoP having twitter presence too.
Source: ZDNet's daily e-mail newsletter
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
LSG / HSG-II / HSG-I officials of Odisha Circle
in Chandinchowk Head Office, Cuttack – 753 002
on 12.12.2010 at 11 00 hours
Dear friends,
In the mean time you might have gone through the orders issued in connection with Postmasters Cadre. We have also analyzed in details the apprehensions and possibilities in implementation of this Postmasters Cadre. Many Postmasters of Odisha Circle have gone through it and agreed to the analysis. However, a detailed discussion is barely necessary to arrive at a final decision before exercising option for the purpose. Without beating about the bust, time has arrived to sit together and discuss the pros and cons of this Postmasters Cadre.
As you know, the Fast Track officials could get regular HSG – II due to the united efforts taken together by organizing several meetings in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Even though the responses were not so encouraging, we succeeded in our motto. Thus, before it is too late to take a right decision, we have decided to organize a special meeting of all the LSG / HSG-II / HSG-1 officials from general line of Odisha Circle in Chandinchowk Head Post Office, Cuttack – 753 002 on 12.12.2010 at 11 00 hours. Our beloved friends of Cuttack are taking all responsibilities for successful organization of the meeting. We have already informed most of our Fast Track friends over telephone to attend the meeting in time. They are also requested to communicate this message to their near and dear LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I officials. We have also requested some senior LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I officials ( not Fast track ) to attend the meeting.
Thus, all the Postmasters of Odisha Circle from LSG to HSG-I of general line are requested to participate in the meeting and offer their valuable contributions on Postmasters Cadre.
For proper arrangement and smooth conductance, the officials interested to participate in the meeting are requested to
email to postmastersodisha@gmail.com
Contact:9437080599 – Amiya Kumar Mohapatra, APM, Cuttack GPO
9438480655 – Rama Chandra Behera, APM, Bhadrak H O
by 10.12.2010
Please realize the gravity of the issue and participate enmasse.